In a short Op-Ed piece in the February 6th, 2008 edition of the New York Post, D.C Bureau Chief Charles Hurt expresses what most people already know in their heart of hearts: “Once John wins, He’ll make a left.”
In his Op-Ed, Charles reviews McCain’s history as a Washington insider who has always had very liberal leanings on the issues of immigration, tax reform and many other social issues. Charles also points out that McCain’s victory may have more to do with his former opponents’ dislike of Romney than his own agenda.
The one point of note in the article that I personally found vey disturbing was a reference to a group of conservatives that Charles dubs “Suicide Voters”. These “Conservatives” have “vowed to turn themselves into suicide voters next November by pulling the lever for Hillary Rodham Clinton over him.” I find it interesting if not disconcerting that anyone regardless of personal platform would vote against a candidate at the cost of their own values. In this situation the people whose core values align closer to the candidate they are voting against than the quasi-socialist agenda of the candidate they are voting for will be shooting themselves in the foot….and they’d be doing it on purpose… I guess anyone can be an extremist.
In a comment during the 2000 election, McCain compared himself to an Iconic Hero of our times while at the same time belying his intentions to do what ever it takes to become President of the United States: In his comment, McCain said he was like “Luke Skywalker trying to get out of the death star. We're going to kill them. We're going to win this election." Link Of course we all know that Luke turned left to follow the Millennium Falcon out of the blast….
And for the hell of it – Another Famous McCain/Skywalker quote
"I feel like Luke Skywalker about to ram my magic glowing sword up Darth Vader's ass."
~ John McCain speaking a group of proctologists at a medical convention in Iowa City
Column source http://www.nypost.com/seven/02062008/news/columnists/once_john_wins__hell_make_a_left_852521.htm
Ron Paul is sad.
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